An Inauspicious Event: Required Bathing
Last night at 10:30 PM Nolan was chirpily pouring a plastic bucket of slightly vomit-y water on my head while thoughtfulling carolling "Cwose you eyes!!!!!!"
How did this arise? Well, after a few poor starts we went to bed at 930, but Nolan was on his third bottle - and if I had been drinking last night, I would have been too- when a big burp became a startlingly large vomit. Times three. Looked like in addition to the third milk, he'd been scarfing teddy grahams and drinking juice at some point as well....I later found the teddy grahams on the pantry floor. So, just pure system overload.
So, his hair and jammies vomit plastered, crying hysterically, noliebear and I go into the bath room where I am hugging him (icky, but- he's my kid, and upset) and trying to strip of the pyjamas and he freaks out utterly and completely at the tub running, AND at taking of the pyjamas. This is not optional, so it gets a but difficult- literally vomit squelching everywhere during the process. Finally I strip down too and get in the tub with him, which is so unexpected he stops crying- and eventually we calm down. Then it's so fun I can't get him out until the water is pretty cold, but it buys time to strip and remake the bed and start laundry.
The tub was fun, actually, but I noticed the vomit made the bubbles break down quickly, and that curdled milk shreds were coating the surface of the water. Well, people do milk baths, and use acidic skin lotions (like uremol), gastric contents and milk may be the next big thing in bath products.
We did smell clean at the end, I tried to rinse with clean water as best as I could....whatever. It was worth it for the "Cwose your eyes" said in the same tone I use when rinsing him- I am still laughing.
Maybe I'll start sleeping in Nolans bed, though, less bedding to change when things go wrong.