Thursday, March 08, 2007

Long time no see

Last two posts about injuries and illness, and here's another health update....took Noliebug in to ER with croup 2 weeks ago- it was horrifying really, 39 temp, red faced, muffled voice, piteous crying with stridorous gasps, exhausted but awaking short of breath- tried the Tylenol, cold air, steaming stuff but what finally fixed him was 10mg of dexamethasone, and a nap on a stretcher in emergency with my lying protectively and uncomfortably with him until 0300h when we were discharged home. He hated the nurses, doctors and whole scene a lot and actually desaturated (oxygenation dropped) when approached by health care workers, which is more than a little ironic. On the other hand, he's never had any significant illness before this except for a few vomits and runny noses.

Of course, I then got the same virus and am up at night coughing STILL.

Nolan is recovered completely and has been chatty and active and funny, and occasionally suddenly demonically possessed in the way of toddlers who are thwarted from their nefarious and intricate plans. He is singing a lot, and is still all about polcanos and eggs and Dora.

Few interesting points -to me anyway:

Apparently he looked up at a plane in the sky and said "Where is it going?" to Mike, which seemed like sophisticated thinking from a toddler

He voluntarily ate a Fishermans' Friend lozenge. Mike bought them. I have never, in my most desperate moments, considered ingesting one of those revolting things- they smell like tar and eucalyptus- and so did Nolan, all last night.

He is signed up for preschool (T-Th mornings) next year. I had to enter a lottery on Monday night, a slighly competitive but pleasant affair of parents smiling through gritted teeth...amazingly we got the last spot for the prized morning slot, 4th pick out of 20-odd families. Luckily they switched to lottery rather than the line up outside 1 day in advance method, which seems crazier still.

Preschool. Can you believe it?

No pictures downloaded yet. Technical difficulties.


At 9:17 p.m., Blogger She said...

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