Monday, January 08, 2007


At the wedding again- the slung over Mommy's shoulder "Just one second!!!" photo.

The wooden train set came just after New Years (ordered to be here for Christmas)- but it is just as well, it takes the sting out of having "Willise" (will and Elise) and Aunty and Uncle and Oma and Opa all leave. Actually, he has mentioned Baby Leo too. He loves the train set, and even will watch the hideously boring Thomas the Tank Engine videos. Is it me or are several of the engines just unpleasant personalities?? James is an arrogant, vain little snot. Thomas is a bit insecure in his role (if being called "a really useful engine" is the pinnacle of your career that's a bit pathetic), Gordon is pompous and full of himself, and Percy is a rather namby pamby. Berie the bus has an awesome Cockney accent though.

Still loves Maisy and Wiggles, and Blue's Clues, and starting to like Kipper and Bob the Builder....

Anyway. Work over New Years was far too busy, and I had to stay far too late every day to see many very sick patients. Stressful as any time I've been on call in my life. As a pretty obvious result of all of this "mommy away from homeness", Nolan and I have backslid in the weaning- from almost complete weaning to almost complete obsession on his part again. I am aggrieved at having to restart but at the same time, when he cuddles up with his damp curly head and blissful sigh I get nostalgic for his babyhood- next step, Big Boy!!

Said today:

"Schtirr it?" (stirring it)
"Po-TA-toes- sink!!!" (helping wash potatoes)
"Come here Mommy!!"
" Cuddles, Maisy again, chocowate!!!!" (his spontaneous plan for the evening after supper. Really)
"Loolah, Sharlie, Maisy, Seeril" (Tallulah, Charlie, Maisy, Cyril)
"Light on? Train?" (turn on light in living room to play with train)
"No-nan, where ARE you!!!!!!!!!!" (hiding)
"N-O-A-N" (Reading some letters off a book, ?spelling name)


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