Sunday, January 11, 2009


A "craft" from school- graham cracker house (pieces "glued" with icing onto a milk carton)
Nolan and his new Harold (his prize for our "going to bed nicely" chart, replacing the "waking up and NOT peeing the bed" chart
The Wii was the big hit this Cristmas- Nolan liked the boxing the best.
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Christmas photos

Just before Christmas trip - bath pose. Handsome little guy.
Loved playing with Lego at oma and Opas- very proud of this creation (and way past bedtime)
Will and Elisa and Nolan (and Patrick) at Elly-Elizabeth and Bernies- he set off across the pool with a pool noodle, but actually doesnt officially know how to swim. He's a little fish though.
Nolan and Oma when he was playing the organ.
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