What is, and what should be
This was taken when Malcolm, Olivia and Monique and Mark came over for birthday cake on my birthday (with homemade cards /small banner from the kids! How nice!) and Nolan insisted they get in his tent with him- and somehow managed to end up with them all lying in an upside down tent in the living room. He was delighted! Photo is through tent door.
Spent the latter part of the evening dancing to his "Nolan" song CD, and was impressed how well he can pirouette, and how when is isn't overthinking his dancing, he has great rhythm. He also is bossy about how I dance- at one point he grabbed both my hands and say "Hop Mommy" and started us hopping in a circle on one foot, at velocity, holding each other up (well maybe I was holding him up a bit more, but....) Great workout.
What I was pondering in my insomnia was how I absolutely love the rituals of young children, when doing something a certain way once guarantees that all future attempts will be corrected if the same ritual is not followed:
- making poached eggs - Nolan chooses each egg, carefully hands it to me, and we chant "one, two three, CRACK!", and after the deed is done, he says "Eggshell!" and disposes of it and washes his hands.
- Tub- he pours in a capful of soap and observes the bubbles develop, and after I coaxed him up once on the promise off putting a ball in the water, ALWAYS chooses a toy from the toyroom to play with in the tub - with his zillion other tub toys (I occasionally have to intervene when it is plush, metal or electric, of course).
- pancakes and cupcakes- he stands on his chair, we use the red bowl, I measure the "flour", he dumps in it, I measure the water and he puts in the little one and I put in the big one, and we add whatever else depending on what we are making, we stir with whisks (little and big, simultaneously), he eats some batter, and he oversees the rest of the operation. He has to put the cupcake liners in himself and gets choked if I help.
It's sort of comforting to me that in Nolan's world, often the first try at something is so good that, simply, that is the way it SHOULD be.....