Travellin' Man
This was 2 months ago, at least- reading on the couch, with morning hair. My sweetiebug.
So, we are off to Mexico again this weekend with Aunty Nica and Uncle Jeff and their Bump- she's 30 weeks along, and I'm sure will be the cutest pregnant girl on the beach. We are both a little stressed about carving out more time from work right now, I think I'll take my laptop to work on some program stuff.
Nolan I'm sure is getting blase about travel, he'll have been to Mexico twice- Mayan Riviera and Puerto Vallarta, Victoria, Vancouver, London, and Stockholm before he's two, which is a little crazy actually. Good thing he's actually pretty easygoing.
Last night we went for a walk and he walked/ran QUITE a distance along the river valley path, including up a hill, then was REALLY tired and cranky and needing bed during his bath, although I could see it coming, it was hard to dissuade him from walking. He likes to be a grownup I think!
New "likes to say"- shampoo, shower, sankyou!, tub bubbles, button (belly and other). Also a tendency to need MAMAMAMAMA! when upset, especially lately. A bit alarming as he gets inconsolable about it, but I'm sure the phase will pass.
New "likes to eat"- a graham cracked on the couch, with juice and cuddles from mommy, watching Blues Clues. (We use a teatowel as a tablecloth, and ONLY do it when I get home)
Also pretty fond of corn, meatloaf, and potatoes, and Balderson 10y aged cheddar. Loves dipping anything dippable into anything that looks like a dip- sliced veggieburger and ketchup, or more creatively, potatoes and yogourt, meat and applesauce.
18 months old- before the real age of reason, but he's so communicative and interesting that the occasional "lie on the floor protesting" moments don't seem so bad- yet. Such a dramatic boy.