Walkin', and After Midnight
Am on call so few posts lately...but must say that on the 16th and 17th November Nolan starting walking long distances- stifflegged, widebased, upright, effective baby locomotion! He gets pretty excited about it and grabs my hand to go around, basically pulls me all over the house, and with support even walks backwards and takes huge steps up the steps- he stops at two and backs down....we have a ".mov" file of him doing one of his first long walks but I don't think I can post it on Blogger, alas. Very sweet and funny - he takes two staggering falls and bounces up with a grin each time to keep coming at the camera.
He also talks a lot- At is light, Ap is apple, Nana is banana (not to be confused with Nainai, night night). He also will repeat clock (ock) and say petabo (peekaboo). He says Dadada, crawls over to Mike, sits on his lap for a minute, then starts mumbling Mamamama and comes over to me- more like running commentary than him addressing us. A bottle is a babo, kind of. He has a thick Baby accent so it's hard to render his words well here. I'll try to pay more attention because it is SO CUTE to hear I want to remember it all. Sentimental? Me?
After Midnight
So, last night I feel asleep w/ Nolan so didn't put him in the crib. He got up at 0430 to go for the baby book on the bedside table, and tried looking at it but the nightlight wasn't bright enough. So, he stood up, flipped the light switch (by the bedside table) and sat down, book upside down, industriously "reading" aloud and pointing at pictures. It was very cute and funny- and he was NOT able to be put to sleep again til after I left for work. As I left he was rubbing his eyes (me too) and looked up at me and said "Nainai". But he could nap, and I had to go in to work!
Yes, we like Patsy Cline tunes. Nolan is very familiar w/ "Walkin after Midnight", as I used to sing it to him when (what else) walking his colicky little person up and down the hallway, after midnight!