Mom, I dont want to sleep!
You said THREE books. Three. That's my last deal. (I said two).
Mommy, I am grumpy. And mad at you. Derry derry mad. (I love you anyway). Why? (that's my job, I love you all the time, it's a lot nicer when you are happy though. Do you feel good when you are mad??) No! But I AM MAD I DON'T WANT TO GO TO BED"
Trains Galore at the supper table. I actually have to mimic the You tube ads for trains that he loves to watch, some midwestern hobby train store guy holding a camera and picking up trains and discussing their features.
daddy, give me that, Mommy is back (when I got back into bed after trading off reading to go get the eczema cream).
"hey. I like this a lot. What is this food? (pumpkin cheescake).
So, his language and behavious are WAY WAY better and I am loving spending time with my sweet bubby- he is not REASONABLE (I mean, he is 4) but he is kind of reasonable. And sweet, funny, inventive, determined and wily. ANd, of course, handsome. I booked another speech assessment- with his behaviour so much better he will prob score a lot better on the test that suggested he had some focal delay. Other assesments- nada. A normal little fella with his quirks like everyone else. The nanny switch to a cheerful, consistent, loving and helpful kind of Filipino girl, and attention to home atmosphere has been a big deal- Nolan is slow to warm up, need consistency like crazy to get comfortable, and ends up a bit of a ham.
So tired my typos are legion and thoughts scattered. Again later.
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