What's he saying?
A few incidents lately reminding me how expressive Nolan is getting, and how increasingly funny.
- last night we went "in da bwue stroller" for a walk and ended up at the park by playchool, where we played: "mommy come in too da beeeeuuuuuutiful widdle house!", "come on up Mom, Wolly Slide!!!" (this is a slide with rollers- pretty fast!), and he spent a long time running around with a "Widdle giwl!!!"- a cute near 4 year old who was running around on the hill. For Mike, he'd also stand at the top of the hill, say "I'm on top of the mountain!!", and roll, run, or run backwards down.
As we were getting ready to leave, I heard a gonging sound and a cry- he had run (into the sun, so probably misjudged the height) under a metal slide and knocked himself in the head badly enough to fall down, which was scary. Mike saw it and picked him up but a few moments of cuddling and assessment later he got up and weaved towards the swing saying "wanna lie down on the sand"....-mystified and still pretty concerned I followed him (his gait got better) and he headed straight to a group of I'm about 15-16 year old girls, who were lying on the sand under the swings and powwowing about important issues and texting on their cellphones.
He approached saying "Hi! I have an owie, way down on the sand" and laid down right next to a pretty dark haired girl. I explained, "Hi this is Nolan, that loud gonging sound was his head on the slide, he's 2 and a half" and they were duly concerned and fussed a bit which he clearly enjoyed, including mentioning a few times how cute he is, and how nice his curly hair is. When we left them to their discussions, he came willingly and said a sweet "Byeeee!" but while I was putting him in the stroller said "I wanna go back to da pwetty girls".
Hmmm. 1) we are in trouble 2) I should scope out under the swings a bit and if I see them again ask if they babysit 3) Pwetty girls may trump Mommy. At least after a head injury?
He has been fine since, although I am always paranoid about incidents like that - this is the third lifetime significant head smack, which probably isn't bad for a toddler- and tend to wake up and check vitals.
Other funny things
- the editorializing at night- he'll enumerate activities of the day "Anna went to da park, and had a snack, and pwayed with cway...." as he winds down
- the scary scary voice he uses sometimes, first starting after hearing Steve read "Good Night Bird" on Blue's Clues with a gravelly little bird voice. He started using the funny bird voice but now does a big deep gravelly voice which is sort of Exorcist (I look at him to see if his eyes are all rolled back or maybe glowing red). This voice should not come from such a little guys mouth, and he quite likes the reaction.
- Will eat carrots now, but not cheese any more.
- we have a game watching Thomas the Train where we look at the engine's faces and guess if they are Happy ot Not happy (sad or mad). This is an interesting thing to do but has gotten confusing lately cause I won't know if he's testing me or confused himself. He tests with colours too - like "That's the gween one mommy" when it's blue, so I'll say "It's pink!" and he'll counter "No, ummm, it's red!" and giggle.
- Kissing it better. When he gets rambunctious I still sometime will clutch an injured part (say he kicked me flailing his feet around) and say "Oww, you gave Mommy an owie" and pull a "sad" face. He immediately will get concerned and assume a professional tone- "It's awright Mommy, let me see. It'll be OK (patting me). Kiss!!!!!" and kiss it better. And likely go back to dangerously flailing his legs in the air. This is good - empathy- and bad- kissing absolves the guilt of the injurer and magically heals the injured.
We'll see.
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