the journey of 1000 miles begins with one step...
No post since JANUARY. Goodness me. It's been a rough time so the priority list was concentrated on keeping catastrophe at bay for Nolan, patients, and students and not much beyond. Sometimes you have to go to ground for a while.
Since I last posted Nolan well may be taller, had a haircut again after he got very moppy, has been overall pretty delightful and funny with some very tough transitions, and remains the total light of my life. (I did his haircut and it's frankly a much better job than the last hairdresser attempt with fewer "outlier" bizarrely long locks and irregularities- although i did snip my finger and have to try to stop bleeding subtly without alerting him that I'd had a problem as he doesn't like blood much.)
Speaking of blood, second epistaxis event of Nolan bashing my nose with his head while being rambunctious and causing a bloody nose- just last week. First was after return from Sheilas birthday Vegas trip- last one was a bit after i got back from the Harvard Macy Evaluation course in Jacksonville. Both accidental but can't help wondering about a theme.
Nolan's latest thing is occasional total denial "Mommy, you are NOT going to work today" PLUS a series of compelling reasons "the door is broken... the car doesn't work...., there is no work today". Extends to other examples where the truth is stretched "I brushed my teeth already!!!" - but he might be referring to yesterday. Sometime he gets a tiny little half smile when I try to tease/challenge him about it so he has some insight about what he is up to. Funny stage.
Signed up for soccer, looking at preschool options although most likely we will stick with Glenora, and also still in deciding mode after new nanny switch- drawbacks to "live in", certainly, and not yet clear if we have a net positive in this case.
I'll go see if he new computer (there was a final "incident" with the last one) has photos and Picasa on it or not, I can't remember if i have done that yet. If anyone still comes here, sorry for being so incommunicado.
Do I feel out of touch for not even checking here for 3 weeks!
So don't feel like you've dropped the ball. Too much going on here too!
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