Spying on you!!!!
No, not the guys in the tub, ME. I'll explain the spying in a bit. Anyway, seems equal opportunity to post the pic of the other cousin in tub....Leo was really adorable but a little uncertain about a tub experience sans bath chair with a flailing 3 year old present.
Re: spying, I installed a site meter a while back and can have a look at who is looking at this page, sort of- by browser location mostly. Have found that my MySpace profile is busier than I thought and that has resulted in some visits here, which is just fine, frankly- hi, howareya, nice to see you here. Don't count on emails from me, but do drop in and see what we are up too!
Preschool: Nolan made a ghost puppet, and a bat with spots and stripes, and likes running around with them. He had a yukky pants accident that resulted in an orange flag basically- can't be having that there, so conversely to what one feels like doing, one has to NOT pressure about potty. Nolan reacts to pressure like me- digs in heels, or flat out pushes BACKWARDS. Also sensitive to perceived pressure. Contrary little bloke.
Anyway, am just taking a break at work as a reward for revising a manuscript. Got to go.....
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